BarCode for WinForms 4.0.2014.1.69
- Added "Studio for Desktop" product information.
Chart for WinForms 4.0.20141.24071
Breaking Changes
- Empty BackColor2 no longer throws an internal exception in the ChartProperties and ChartWizard dialogs for FillStyles.
- The rounding parameters in the border style dialogs (previous) can now be set above a value of 20.
- Adjusted tesselation depending upon z-values and additional conditions.
- Stacked, 100 percent, bar charts now render all series points as absolute values rather than signed values. This change was made because no other behavior with negative values makes any sense.
- Added MixedStacking option for bar charts (ChartGroup.Bar.MixedStacking)MixedStacking is a boolean which if true, positive values are stacked above the origin and negative values are stacked below the origin. Bar charts with 3D effects always assume MixedStacking is true.
- Pruned code path to minimize effort of drawing zero sized symbols for XYPlots to improve performance.
- Improved minor tick assignment and distribution for zoomed and scrolled charts.
- Added license support for Studio for Desktop
- Added support for C1ThemeController.
- Added some Chinese and Korean localizations.
- Added Japanese localization for the new MixStacking property.
Bug Fixes
- The PlotArea and Axes are now rendered correctly when AutoOrigin is false.
- Corrected an internal data type conversion error that resulted in a failure to locate a PlotFilter'd index.
- The rounding parameters in the border style dialog of the Chart Wizard and Property dialogs now correctly permit values greater than 20.
- Restored proper designer behavior for XYPlots with logarithmic axes that was broken beginning with build 24007.
- Charts using line styles now correctly display legends with or without vertical fonts and any rotation.
- The chart property and wizard dialogs now limit line editing button displays so LineStyle samples are painted within the confines of the button borders.
- Dialog resizing behavior of the chart Wizards and Properties dialogs has been improved.
- Restored minimized XYPlots with logarithmic scaling now correctly repaint in all circumstances.
- Grid lines lost due to changes in build 24001 have been recovered.
- Charts using line styles now correctly display vertical legends with vertical fonts.
- Zooming charts no longer results in extraneous grid lines drawn in the opposing axes.
DataObjects for WinForms version 2.0.20141.272
- C1DataObjects is now licensed as a part of Studio for Desktop.
DynamicHelp for WinForms 4.0.20141.67
Editor for WinForms 20141.210
Bug Fixes
- [Regression]Focus cusor in C1Editor is shift one line below". This is regression since changeset 101238.
- 4 byte character get not shown in build-in editor and output targets.
- A break in loading of .rtf files to C1Editor. (52249)
- ObjectReference Exception occurs when clicking 'Undo' button of c1EditorToolStripMain after drag/drop .htm file to C1Editor. (52264)
- 'Text' property of C1Editor returns an extra space character at the beginning of the text, when the text in the C1Editor is placed inside a table. (46893) Two spaces cannot be found in the document.
- Fixed memory leaks.
- Changes for licensing.
- Localization: Synchronized with the latest shared code
Excel for WinForms 20141.310
- Added "Studio Desktop" license key ("SD" key).
- Support conditional formatting.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed build [308], cell border 'Black' color is changed 'White' color when saving (OpenXml) format.
- Fixed build [260], ArgumentException occurs when loading and saving .xls format excel file at printing setting.
- Fixed build [301], Cell's height setting get lost and text & images are clipped in excel file in which containing picture 's border, alignment and properties.
- Cell background is shown as black in saved file if the background is not applied color in original excel file.
- Some font color is changed on gray color back ground of cell after exporting the C1Excel. Fixed.
- 'Merge cells' and 'Hyperlink Texts' are not displayed correctly after loading and saving OpenXml format. Fixed.
- [WPF][C1Excel] font color is lost on loading and re-saving the Excel file. Fixed.
- [WPF C1Excel] DateFormat is lost on loading & saving an Excel file. Fixed.
- Fixed [WPF][C1Excel]Shrink To Fit' formatting is lost on loading & saving an Excel file.
- Fixed. "Gray" and "Black" with different opacity are exported as White. Big changes for themes with tints support.
- Partly fixed [Forum] opening xlsx file including more than 65530 rows containing hyperlinks throws 'Excel Found Unreadable Content...' error.
- Fixed exception at opening, but 65530 hyperlinks is limitation Open XML format.
- Fixed next part of unhandled exception occured, cell's height setting gets lost when loading and saving ExcelFlexGrid.
- Added row property: IsCustomHeight.
- Applied the localized strings (CompatibilityMode, KeepFormulas, OpaqueCopy) for Chinese localization.
- Fixed next part of unhandled exception occured, backcolor is lost when excel file in which containing 'Range Names' & 'Formula' loaded as .xls format and saved as.xlsx format.
- Fixed unhandled exception occured when certain xlsx file with comments is loaded with C1Excel.
- Fixed unlike previous build, after loading and saving excel file, backcolor is changed 'Black'.
- C1Excel takes long time to save an excel file containing hyperlinks
- Fixed C1Excel takes long time to save an excel file containing hyperlinks. Reason in using list for search of hyperlinks.
- Fixed error occurs when opening of output files (.xls/.xlsx) which contains "A Date Occurring" ConditionalFormatting. Small correction for conditional formatting background.
- Fixed unlike previous build, backcolor is lost when excel file in which containing 'Range Names' & 'Formula' loaded as .xls format and saved as .xlsx format.
- Fixed unlike previous build, backcolor of style cell is changed when loading and saving format is reversed.
- Fixed exception is observed on loading excel file which contains filters.
- Fixed unlike previous build, cell's height setting gets lost when loading and saving ExcelFlexGrid.
- Fixed [C1FlexGrid]Unlike build [4.6.20113.656], A tab character is not shown correctly in C1FlexGrid by loading excel file. Reason in incorrect read hex format of the symbol.
- Fixed cell background is shown as black in saved file if the background is not applied color in original excel file. Reason in use indexed for foreground colors.
- Fixed unlike previous build, 'Table Header' row is filled with 'Black' color when loading and saving excel file .xltx [OpenXmlTemplate] format in which using MS-Word Table. Reason in "fill" background not theme color.
- Fixed unlike previous build, (#REF!) 'Invalid Cell Reference Error' is shown on opening the XLS file which is loaded and saved by C1Excel using XLSX file.
- Fixed unlike previous build ,Cell borders are missing when using backcolor in .xltx saved format.
- Fixed unlike previous build, formula is disappeared after loading and saving excel file.
- Fixed unlike previous build, dotted border lines get lost when loading .xls file and saving in .xlsx (OpenXml) format.
- Fixed unlike previous build, 'Black' color is set as backcolor when loading and saving excel file [.xlsx] format.
- Fixed unlike previous build, Invalid Excel OpenXml file (*.xlsx) exception is occurring when loading xlsx excel file.
- SubTotal Value is lost when opening xlsx file. Fixed.
- NotSupportedException occurs when saving excel file in which data is getting from table at print setting. Fixed.
- 'ForeColor' is changed when excel file is loading with FlexGrid.
- Fixed unlike previous build, Error message is shown and background color is changed when loading excel file in which data getting import template.
- Fixed loading of .XLSX file containting RangeName and SUM Fomula in C1Excel, throws System.FormatException.
- Partly fixed error occurs when opening of .XLS files which has Conditional Formattings and saved by C1Excel.
- Fixed unlike previous build,'A message box 'Excel found unreadable content in ...'is displayed on loading the excel file.
- Fixed part 4 ("'" symbol) of error occurs on loading excel created using C1Excel and containing double byte bracket " (" character in the sheet name.
- Fixed calculation twips per character value for default font of C1Excel(TwipsToPixel issue part 2).
- Fixed part 3 of error occurs on loading excel created using C1Excel and containing double byte bracket " (" character in the sheet name.
- Fixed (as conditional formatting) Conditional Formattings are not retained after load and save with C1Excel.
- Fixed part 2 of error occurs on loading excel created using C1Excel and containing double byte bracket " (" character in the sheet name.
- Correct calculation twips per character value for default font.
- Formulas are lost when multiple rows containing formulas are cloned using C1Excel.Fixed.
- C1Excel hangs when loading .xlsx file contained macros and 15 sheets.Fixed.
- Word2013 part of issue:'Invalid Excel OpenXml file' is occurred on loading an excel file after saving as another one. Fixed.
- Cell data becomes distorted and formula named 'INDIRECT' is lost when new -
- 'ArgumentOutOfRangeException' exception is observed on loading an Excel file created using third party software. Fixed.
- Certain files cannot be loaded by C1Excel. Fixed.
- Fixed unlike release build 280, exception occurred when loading certain file.
- XLCellRange added to "NamedRanges" collection doesn't save to excel file. Fixed.
- Fixed Appearance of merged cells is distorted on Inserting/Removing rows above a row with merged cells.
- Fixed 'ArgumentOutOfRange' exception is observed on loading Excel file saved from C1Excel, that sets cell value to an empty string.
FlexGrid for WinForms 4.6.20141.822
Bug Fixes
- Improved localization issue with custom decimal/thousand separators. For details, see
- Removed support for leading zeros in numeric editor.
- Improved alignment of checkboxes when importing from Excel.
- Improved handling of null values in filter.
- Improved numeric editor to support leading zeros (i.e. fmt="0.00" in addition to "#.00").
- Handle invalid characters in Excel output.
- Honor e.Cancel while dragging the mouse in ListBox selection mode
- ComboBox did not always commit edits made with keyboard.
- Clear filter indicators when setting dataSource to null.
- Improved rendering of custom borders with VisualStyles.
- Improved null handling in cell merging logic
- Improved auto-resize handling in Row/ListBox selection modes.
- Fixed issue with setting TopRow to invalid values while Redraw == false.
- Fixed localization issue with custom decimal/thousand separators
- Added localization strings for "(null)"
- Internal C1Themes-related changes
- Added "Studio for Desktop" product information
- Improved value filter editor to show only values that are not filtered out by other columns.
- Improved value filter editor to show only values that are not filtered out by other columns.
GanttView for WinForms 20141.180
- Add grid view fonts to printing.
- Provided 'is within' and 'is not within' TestOperators in C1GanttView.
- Added partial Korean, Chinese, Japanese localization for Filter
- Provide ResourceIndex passing to UsingResourceFilter constructor instead of ResourceID.
- Added Group/Summary localization strings for Chinese and Korean
- Added BeforeFilter and AfterFilter event.
- Updated latest changes for theming.
- Updated selected task after filtering.
- Added Japanese localization strings for Printing.
- Added more Command Buttons.
New Features
- Added Summary/Group task feature.
- Added Filter support.
- Updated theme backgrounds.
- Added Filter Sample.
- Added filter support for SoftwareDevelopmentPlan sample.
- Added filter support for Notes, OutlineLevel properties.
Bug Fixes
- Line feeds contained 'Notes' are cut off in PrintPreview. Fixed.
- [Regression]TodayLine is outside the visible screen. Fixed.
- [Regression]Last column is not printed in PrintPreview. Fixed.
- ChartView rendering is uneven while loading of .xml in tasks existing C1GanttView. Fixed.
- Changing of some properties to Tasks at run time after calling ScrollToTask , C1GattView does not maintain current state. Fixed.
- ChartView area is crashed in vertical scrolling and switching of ZoomFactor. Fixed.
- End Shpae of SummaryTaskBar is cut off on Vertical Scrolling. Fixed.
- Summary Task is hidden when adding new Predecessors/ResourceRefs at design time through C1GanttView.Task.
- [Regression]Row Height of C1GanttView is increased on changing of Column Width. Fixed.
- [Regression]Text in Last Column are shift to next line and cut off in PrintPreview. Fixed.
- [Enhancement]C1GanttView is not getting licensed with Studio For Desktop Key. Fixed.
- Changing of some properties to Tasks at run time after calling ScrollToTask , C1GattView does not maintain
- [Query] How to test "Add grid view fonts to printing" in ReadMe. Fixed.
- Newly added Filter Sample is not found in Site1. Fixed.
- [Query] SelectedIndexChanged event fired twice on grouping of Tasks. Fixed.
- Changing of BarStyle after 'Scroll To Task', C1GanttView does not maintain current view state. Fixed.
- GroupTasks are lost in C1GanttView on clicking Expand/Collapse while 'IsWithin'/'IsNotWithin' TestOperator is used to Filter. Fixed.
- [Regression]FilterValues are shown as C1.Win.C1GanttView.j in Advanced Filter Dialog, when 'IsWithin'/'IsNotWithin' TestOperator is used. Fixed.
- Unlike other Predifined FilterType, "Completed Tasks" filter is not retained on loading of .xml. Fixed.
- NullReference Exception is occurs in C1.Win.C1GanttView dll on saving of .xml while FilterValue is null. Fixed.
- Event firing Times of SelectedIndexChanged increases large counts starting from 2nd time sorting. Fixed.
- Tasks are lost while grouping and setting of 'Maintain Hierarchy' to OultlineLevel filter applied GanttView. Fixed.
- GroupTasks are lost in C1GanttView on clicking Expand/Collapse while 'IsWithin'/'IsNotWithin' TestOperator is used to Filter. Fixed.
- System.FormatException occurs in AdvancedFilter Dialog while Invalid FilterValue is set through code snipped. Fixed.
- [Regression]Moving Times of ScrollBars is significantly increased while sorting. Fixed.
- [Regression]Expand/Collapse state of SummaryTasks button does not reflect at once in filtered GanttView. Fixed.
- Unlike other group types, "Task Completes Vs Task Incomplete" grouping is not retained while loading of .xml at DesignTime. Fixed.
- NullReference Exception occurs in C1.Win.C1GanttView dll when saving of .xml while ResourceFilter is applied. Fixed.
- [C1Theme]Unhandled exception is occurred if “Transparent“ is set to SplitterColor of c1GanttView. Fixed.
- Expand/Collapse button of GroupTask remains the old place instead of moving belong with GroupTaskName while Task Name column is moved. Fixed.
- Copying of Text in Value(s) TextBox of Advanced Filter dialog, it get copied the whole row. Fixed.
- FileFormat Exception occurs while loading of .xml file which contains 'Is Within'/'Is Not Within' Filter for Start/Finish Column. Fixed.
- Line feeds contained 'Notes' are cut off in Print-Preview. Fixed.
- Error occurs in loading of .xml which contains OutlineLevel filter with 'IsWithin'/'IsNotWithin' TestOperator. Fixed.
- Creating a new task in Filtered GanttView, the newly created task move upward even it does not match the applied filter. Fixed.
- [Regression] GroupText are not displayed in ChartView. Fixed.
- 'TaskMode' are summrized in Maintain Hierarchy SummaryTasks. Fixed.
- [Regression]Error occurs in Task.SetFieldValue() method while initialization the control. Fixed.
- [Regression]Previously applied filter is re-affected even though the filter is removed in gouped tasks. Fixed.
- Tasks with duplicated TaskName are sorted as reverted order in 'Task: Dropdown' of BarStyles Dialog. Fixed.
- BeforeFilter and AfterFilter events fired twice while loading of .xml which contained <filterDefinition> tag. Fixed.
- Check mark does not show on currently select Group Type in GroupBy Menu Dropdown. Fixed.
- ConnectorLine between Milestone and Tasks are cut off when applying 'Late Tasks' filter. Fixed.
- [Regression]CustomFiedd is not listed in GroupType Dropdown of Group Dialog.
- BeforeFilter and AfterFilter event fired on some user interactions of C1GanttView.
- [Regression]System.NullReferenceException is thrown while setting of new Group to Tasks.
- [Regression]Clicking anywhare of Group Dialog, 1st index of GroupType dropdown item is lost.
- [Localization] Tooltip, Description and menu related to new feature "Group" and "Project Summary" are not localized into Korea, Chinese and Japanese. Fixed.
- [Regression]ChartView is totally blank when loading of .xml which contain MaintainHierarchy. Fixed.
- [Localization] Tooltip, Description and menu related to new feature "Group" and "Project Summary" are not localized into Korea, Chinese and Japanese. Fixed.
- 'PreviewKeyDown' event is not fired in C1GanttView. Fixed.
- Unlike TestOperator Dropdown, Value(s) Dropdown elects 1st index of dropdown items automatically on Tab Action. Fixed.
- [Regression]Unlike previous build, NullReference Exception is thrown when applying of BarStyle to Tasks without 'TaskName'.
- [Regression]System.StackOverflowException was unhandled when creating tasks dynamically. Fixed.
- <unnamed> tasks are shown in GridView when applying the filters to C1GanttView.
- [Regression]Unlike previous build, Loading of .xml to C1GanttView shows TaskMode/DurationUnits values for all <unnamed> tasks (TFS 51555).
- [C1GanttView] Unlike previous build, hierarchy structure doesn't display.
- ArgumentOutOfRange Exception is thworn while switching of Sorting by using IComparer.
- If Task ID is set '0' and export to .xml then the TaskID is not saved in .xml. Fixed.
- Duration Only Tasks are sorted first when sorting of C1GanttView with 'Start' and 'Finish' properties. Fixed
- 'Tasks.Start' becomes null when the respective 'Resources' of a Task are modified. Fixed.
- Unlike previous build, Start Date for Calendar Exception is not retained when saving as xml and loading it again. Fixed.
- Sub Task disappears and “ArgumentOutOfRangeException” is observed after sorting the summary task in certain scenarios. Fixed.
- NullReference Exception is thrown, when clicking 'OK' button without adding any value in 'Using Resource' Dialog.
- NullReference Exception is thrown, when CombinationOperator is set without any value in AdvanceFilter. Fixed.
- Sub Task disappear and “ArgumentOutOfRangeException” is observed after sorting the summary task in certain scenarios. Fixed.
- Predefined LateTasksFilter is not working in C1GanttVew. Fixed.
- Removed IConditionTaskFilter interface. Set internal modifier for some Filter related classes/methods/properties.
- Warning Message for FinishDate input shows wrong parameter name. Fixed.
- If incorrect property value is sorted by using c1GanttView.SortTasks(), NullReferenceException is thrown in C1.Win.C1GanttView dll. Fixed.
- If BarText is set large font size, row height of C1GanttView are not uniformed. Fixed.
- C1GanttView does not render correct duration when "Print specific dates" opition is used. Fixed.
- In PrintPreview, ChartView rendered 3 days constantly whatever the Duration is 1/2/3 or 4 days while "Print specific dates" opition is used. Fixed.
- If TaskProperty.None is passed to sort C1GanttView Task, Null Reference exception is thrown in C1.Win.C1GanttView dll. Fixed.
- Not all enums of TaskProperty can be used to sort C1GanttView. Fixed.
- C1GanttView shows incorrect sorting with ListSortDirection when 'Mode' is used to sort. Fixed.
- Corrected XML comments.
- Added the following sorting methods:C1GanttView.SortTasks(PropertyDescriptor prop, ListSortDirection direction),C1GanttView.SortTasks(IComparer<Task> comparer), and C1GanttView.RemoveSort()
- Chart View is not rendered when print preview the C1GanttView with "Print specific dates" option and 'Start:' and 'End:' is given the same Date. Fixed.
- NonworkingTimeColor is overlapped in the Bar Text starting from font size 26. Fixed.
- Unhandled exception occurs when deleting default StartDate value of C1GanttView in property grid. Fixed.
- External Exception is thrown in System.Drawing, when large ZoomFactor value is set at DesignTime and print preview at RunTime. Fixed.
- Loading grouped Tasks by CustomFieldColumn from XML file, does not retain grouping and CustomField Column Values when rebuilding the project. Fixed.
- [Regression]Previewing of C1GanttView with 'Print specific dates' by setting 1 year grater dates to 'Start:' and 'End:' throws ExternalException. Fixed.
- [Regression]If Zoom Factor '0' is set to C1GanttView and print previewed at run time, extra gray area is rendered in ChartView. Fixed.
- Chart View is not rendered when print preview the C1GanttView with "Print specific dates" option and 'Start:' and 'End:' is given the same Date.
- If Task Bar with small zoom factor is print previewed, right side of Task Bars are cut off. Fixed.
- NullReferenceException is thrown in C1.Win.C1GanttView dll when grouping according to the Customfield column without any data values. Fixed.
- Correct xml comments.
- Fix an issue: Unlike MS Project, ‘Alert Indicator’ is not display although ‘Auto’ task is over the deadline when this task become summary task.
- Fix an issue: Bar text from right most area is cut off in print preview when ZoomFactor change from small value to 'Zoom Entire project.
- [Regression]Summary Task is disappered when adding new Task at design time through C1GanttView.Task Collection Editor. Fixed.
- Unlike MS Project, child task is able to link its parent summary task as predecessor in C1GanttView. Fixed.
- Different behavior is observed between C1GanttView and MS Project when clicking on ‘Indent’ toolbar button or Outdent’ toolbar button.
- Unlike MS Project, Deadline for parent summary task is movable in chart view of C1GanttView control. Fixed.
- ‘Scroll To Task’ vertically is not working correctly when tasks are in grouped by mode. Fixed.
- If "23" is set to EndShape property of the Task, the EndShape of this task is not rendered in print preview. Fixed.
- Dropdown list area of the "Order" dropdown is exceeding the boundry of the Group Dialog. Fixed.
- LeftText are cut off and RightText are not rendered in print preview while BarType = "Progress". Fixed.
- The task is unable to link to ‘Summary’ task as its predecessor in chart view although this task is not its child task.
- Unlike MS Project, the second summary task become the child of first summary task although its child task is not related to first summary task after adding second summary task.
- When Summary Task is deleting through C1GanttView, Task Collection Editor, Object reference exception is thrown. Fixed.
- If tasks are grouped without 'Maintain Hierarchy' option, Notes of these tasks are not displayed in Grid View although Notes are existing in Task Information Dialog. Fixed.
- Request to hide "Error" and "OutlineLevel" properties from C1GanttView's Properties Grid. Fixed.
- Some bar styles are not listed in Legend and GroupBy header text are cutoff in Print Preivew. Fixed.
- Unlike MS Project, ‘Indent’ is not working when there is blank row exist between the task row and ‘summary’ task header row. Fixed.
- Unlike MS Project, child task is able to link its parent summary task as predecessor in C1GanttView. Fixed.
- Unlike MS Project, the predecessor links is also display for sub task group header when another task is link to its child task.
- Difference behavior is observe between task bar style ‘Bar Style’ collection editor and ‘Project Summary collection editor when clicking on ‘Cancel’ button. Fixed.
- Unlike MS Project, ‘PercentComplete’ is not retained and updated on the task if it is added in ‘Summary Tasks'. Fixed.
- ‘Maintain Hierarchy’ option with sub task header is not retain when it is loaded as xml file from design time. Fixed.
- The sub task header is deleted instead of the specific tasks after deleting the specific task in grouped modes with ‘Maintain Hierarchy’ option set to true. Fixed.
- ‘ArgumentException’ is observed after clicking on ‘collapse/expand’ button when task view are loaded from xml file for second time. Fixed.
- Unlike MS Project , Milestone which has no ‘StartDate’ and ‘EndDate’ is not calculated as ‘Milestone:Yes’ when the tasks are grouped by ‘Milestone’. Fixed.
- Unlike MS Project , deadline is also display in sub task header when tasks are grouped with ‘Maintain Hierarchy’ option on. Fixed.
- Unlike MS Project, duration column is still able to edit in Grouped header when all its child tasks are deleted. Fixed.
- [WinForms][C1GanttView] The representation of legend at the time of print is not in Japanese language.
- Unlike previous build , alert indicator is not printed in print preview or in printer if the task bar has passed the deadline. Fixed.
- Unlike MS Project, the grouped header is not moving at run time according to its child tasks although these child tasks are moved.
- “NullReferenceException” is observed after linking a new task with task grouped header and clicking on collapse/expand button. Fixed.
- Unlike MS Project, the grouped header task name is also deleted when deleting the last child task in C1GanttView.
- Fix an issue: Unlike MS Project, Grouped Task bar header is not shown for ‘Duration Only’ task when it is grouped by ‘Task Mode’.
- Incorrect description is mention in code view of ‘OutlineLevel’ property of ProjectSummary in C1GanttView. Fixed.
- Unlike MS Project, ‘Scroll To Task’ is not working when the tasks are grouped. Fixed.
- Unlike MS Project, ‘Maintain Hierarchy’ option is not working properly in C1GanttView when it is grouped.
- The sort order when apply single group model from group menu is descending. Fixed.
- ‘ArgumentOutOfRangeException’ is observed after collapsing the group when all three tires in the timescales are invisible.
- ‘NullReferenceException’ is observed after deleting the last manual task which is Grouped. Fixed.
- ‘ArgumentOutOfRangeException’ is observed after clicking on ‘Add Task’ menu in the context menu of collapsed group header. Fixed.
- Unlike C1Schedule and C1TrueDBGrid, "System.DllNotFoundException" occured if C1Report dll is not added in Reference. Fixed.
- Fixed an issue: If predecessor task is below successor task then the relation line is distorted in Preview. Fixed.
- "Zoom Selected Task" button is not disabled as soon as last task is deleted. Fixed.
- Fixed an issue: Japanese text for 'Settings...' button is clipped in localized version 'Print' dialog.
Gauge for WinForms 20141.98
- C1Gauge is now licensed as a part of Studio for Desktop.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue: Various internal errors occurred after moving selection between C1Gauge and C1TileControl on the designer surface and also after pressing the Delete key.
Input for WinForms 20141.33346
- Changed look of Fixed3D border of C1TextBox and its descendants. Width of the new border is 1 (was 2).
- C1ComboBox.ItemImageList renamed to C1ComboBox.ItemsImageList
- C1ComboBox.AutoOpen moved to C1DropDownControl.AutoOpen
New Features
- [C1ComboBox] Simplified work with combo item images.
- New property: C1DropDownControl.DropDownStyle Possible values: Default - text portion is editable and the list is .displayed by clicking the down arrow. DropDownList - the list is displayed by clicking any part of the control and that the text portion is not editable.
- New property: C1ComboBox.InitialSelectedIndex - determines the selection index will be set on the control initialization.
- Style property is made expandable.
- Reviewed built-in item styles.
- C1ComboBox supports C1Theme.
- New property C1ComboBox.Style - custom style of drop down form and combo box items.
- New C1ComboBox control.
- ComboBoxCases sample.
- Added the following properties: ImageBar\BackColor, ImageBar\BackColor, ImageBar\SeparatorColor, and ImageBar\Width.
- [C1Theme] Improved customization of C1SplitButton\Submenu node.
- Improved drop down button appearance.
- [C1Theme] C1Label in Theming mode now supports transparent background.
Bug Fixes
- C1DateEdit and C1NumericEdit controls are not refreshed when their 'DisabledForeColor' property is set and the controls are disabled.
- [C1Theme][C1SplitButton]Dropdown Theme of SplitButton is overrided by 2nd Theme.
- C1ComboBox.Style.TextSpacing does not work when RightToLeft = Yes
- [C1DropDownControl] Set image disappears when RightToLeft = Yes
- Refined look of buttons (UpDown,DropDow,Modal,Custom) of C1DropDownControl for System VisualStyle.
- 'NullReferenceException' is thrown when form is inherit from DropDownForm.
- Size of some C1Input controls does not reset to original size after Padding value is reset.
- GDI leaks in C1Label and C1ComboBox. Fixed.
- [ComboBox] Dropdown items does not honor RightToLeft property. Fixed.
- Left/Right keys for drop down list navigation. Fixed.
- [Themes] C1Input\C1TextBox\Disabled\ForeColor does not work. Fixed.
- 51465 If DateEdit control is disable at run time, then its BackColor remains white. (In WinXP env.)
- [DateEdit] When Date is Input from keyboard, then calendar doesn't highlight the date. Fixed.
- [DateEdit] Calendar Month/Year does not reset to current Month/Year after selecting "Today". Fixed.
- [C1SplitButton] 'Click' event is fired when dropdown is closed.
- [C1DropDownControl] Drop down from items remain open at previous position after the Form moved.
- [C1TextBox] C1TextBox not get refresh and applied BorderColor does not show.
- [SplitButton][ThemeController] Bottom and Right border are cut off when C1Button.Corners > 0
- [DateEdit][If DateEdit control is disable at run time, then its BackColor remains white. (51465)
- [DateEdit]If DateEdit control's max-date and min-date is set then we are able to navigate even beyond specified date range.
- [C1Theme] Theme do not apply to drop down buttons of a custom class derived from C1DropDownControl.
- [C1TextBox, C1DropDownControl, C1DateEdit, C1NumaricEdit] State of modal buttons sometimes remains hot after mouse leave the control.
- C1Label does not respect the 'BorderStyle' property when 'BorderColor' is set to 'Transparent'
- [C1Theme] ForeColor for Hot and HotPressed states are not working for C1SplitButton\Submenu\Item. Fixed.
- Fixed #40518 Blinking cursor does not appear in C1TextBox if the language settings are set to Arabic.
- [C1Theme, C1Label] TextAlign of C1Label does not have effect in Theming mode. Fixed.
- [C1Theme] Value set to TitleBackColor and BorderColor properties are not applied to dropdown calendar of C1DateEdit. Fixed.
- [C1Theme]Clearing/resetting BackgroundImage property of C1DateEdit dropdown calendar not affecting "Theme preview: C1Input". Fixed.
InputPanel for WinForms 20141.179
- Added support for gradient backgrounds to styles.
- C1InputPanel is now licensed as a part of Studio for Desktop.
- Small changes related to theme support.
- Many changes to the theme format.
- Updated theming code for the latest version of C1ThemeDesigner.
- Added the Custom visual style to C1InputPanel control.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue: InputProgressBar disappears after setting HorizontalAlign to Near, Far or Center.
- Fixed an issue: An exception occurs after setting some colors in InputStyle or theme to Color.Transparent (see TFS 51929).
- Fixed an issue: When setting DropDownArrowPressed to any color,the color of dropdown arrows is not applied although pressing the dropdown button.
- Fixed an issue with not applying style to the text of disabled InputTextBox/InputComboBox and other like elements.
- Fixed an issue introduced in build 174: Unlike previous build,dropdown of InputComboBox is not dropped when the DroppedDown property is set True within the ChangeCommitted event handler.
- Fixed an issue: InputComboBox’s dropdown border color is shown as red color by setting Custom style at second time.
List for WinForms 20141.250
Studio Ultimate licensing is now explicitly handled by List/Combo.
- Updated theming to be consistent with TrueDBGrid.
- Added ControlThemeVersion class.
- Added more fully qualified design assembly name (PublicKeyToken)for the 4x DesignerAttribute.
- Localized to korean and chinese description of "DrawItem" event.
- [C1Combo] Description of ‘DrawItem’ event in property grid is incorrect.
Bug Fixes
- Updated theming style and color resets when setting VisualStyles.
- Error is observed on resize inherited form when base form contains private C1List/C1Combo object
- [C1Combo] DropDownlists now honor leading blanks during incremental searches.
- The C1Combo behaviors related to BackColor, ReadOnly and Enabled have been improved.
Menus and ToolBars for WinForms 20141.19617
- If you use custom not built-in theme, it is possible you need to review C1DockingTab\Tabs\UnpinnedC1DockingTab\Tabs\UnpinnedSelected nodes.
- [C1DockingTab] Theme-related changes- colors for arrows/list/close glyphs in different parts: Added ArrowColor, HotArrowBorderColor, HotArrowBorderBackground in nodes: Tabs\TabArea, Tabs\Default, Tabs\Selected, Caption\Inactive, Caption\Active
- [C1DockingTab] Theme-related changes - added theme nodes: C1Command\C1DockingTab\Caption\Inactive\ForeColor, C1Command\C1DockingTab\Caption\Inactive\BorderColor, C1Command\C1DockingTab\Caption\Inactive\ArrowColor, C1Command\C1DockingTab\Caption\Inactive\Background, C1Command\C1DockingTab\Caption\Active\ForeColor, C1Command\C1DockingTab\Caption\Active\BorderColor, C1Command\C1DockingTab\Caption\Active\ArrowColor, C1Command\C1DockingTab\Caption\Active\Background
- [C1NavBar] Theme-related changes - added theme nodes:C1Command\C1NavBar\Button\Default\MoreArrowColor, C1Command\C1NavBar\Button\Hot\MoreArrowColor, C1Command\C1NavBar\Button\Hot & Pressed\MoreArrowColor, C1Command\C1NavBar\Button\Default\CollapseArrowColor, C1Command\C1NavBar\Button\Hot\CollapseArrowColor, C1Command\C1NavBar\Button\Hot & Pressed\CollapseArrowColor
- [C1TopicBar] Theme-related changes - added theme node: C1Command\C1TopicBar\Page\HotSpecial\ArrowColor
- [C1DockingTab] Theme-related changes - added theme node: C1Command\C1DockingTab\Tabs\Default\ArrowColor, C1Command\C1DockingTab\Tabs\Selected\ArrowColor
- Misc theme-related changes.
Bug Fixes
- [C1DockingTab] ‘NullReferenceException’ has occurred and C1DockingTab is getting crash by setting TabStyle=Office2003 when a Theme is applied.
- Issues occur if Transparent background is set to C1OutBar.
- Caption of C1DockingTab Page is shown by setting ‘Show Caption’to 'False'.
- [C1DockingTab] Incorrect docking action occuring for overlapping Floating C1DockingTab controls.
- case1 [C1DockingTab] Page slides on change TabVisible when AutoHide mode is True.
- Auto hide icon is not changed although C1DockingTab is changed as ‘Auto hide’ state.
- [C1Theme]Unhandled exception is occurred if transparent background is set to “BaseThemeProperties\Styles\Header”
- "Strings" property causing ambiguity issue in Visual Basic projects.
- [C1DockingTab] Focus moves to Hidden Tabpage when navigating using Arrow keys.
- Tabs in the C1DockingTab are still visible if the 'ShowTabs' property is set to 'False'.
- [C1Theme][C1DockingTab]Removing of applied Theme throws Object Reference exception.
- [C1Theme, C1CommandMenu] SideCaption is always shown in Theming mode.
- All tab Pages are disappeared by clicking the close button of the one TabPage at ‘AutoHide’.
- Regression) The position of the container placed on C1DockingTab is automatically changed after close and reopen the form.
- C1CommandMDIList Behaves inconsistent when the C1CommandMenu, which contains C1CommandMDIList, is merged.
- "NullReferenceException" is received, when a form containing C1Command control is opened in a separate thread.
- Misc themes-related fixes.
- [C1Theme, C1DockingTab] Theme does not apply to the tab page list of the C1DockingTab.
- C1DockingTab remains visible if no visible tabs on RestoreLayout().
- Default theme is not applied to C1DockingTab at design time after adding the docking tab on the form.
- [C1Theme] Settings from c1Theme not applied to C1Toolbar items under ‘More…’ button.
OLAP for WinForms 20141.143
- Build with latest C1Chart (24071), C1FlexGrid (822), and C1Pdf (258).
Pdf for WinForms 20141.258
- Added "Studio for Desktop" and "Studio for Web" product information
Bug Fixes
- Japanese text is garbled when viewing the pdf file genereated using C1Pdf on adifferent machine.
- Small changes for cannot find/create ‘Aharoni’ message box is shown when creating fonts pdf file.
- Fixed if 'CanGrow/CanShrink'=True fileds containing report is exporting to .xls/.xlsx, it throws ObjectReference exception.
Reports for WinForms version 20141.54717
- Synchronized with other ComponentOne Reports assemblies.
- C1PrintDocument/C1MultiDocument: faster generation of documents containing many hyperlinks with C1LinkTargetAnchor.
- Added themes support to C1ReportDesigner control.
Bug Fixes
- In export to RTF, header area could be cut off when using absolute positioning.
- Incorrect rendering of chart fields in some cases.
- Plain text in a field with RTF property turned on could be clipped.
- C1PrintDocument: in some rare cases RenderRichText would split between pages incorrectly.
- C1Report (regression): incorrect export of Hebrew text to HTML.
- C1Themes related changes.
- C1Report (regression): if a report with CanGrow/CanShrink fields was exported to Excel, exception could be thrown.
- C1Report: in RTF field text got clipped if the field was split over pages.
- C1Themes related corrections.
- C1ReportDesigner control: themes-related corrections.
- C1Report prompted for integer values when the data source was set to a stored procedure which required parameters of the DateTime type.
Ribbon for WinForms version 20141.558
Bug Fixes
- Addressed (probably fixed) the following issue: Win32Exception occurs when debugging a multi-threaded application containing a C1StatusBar.
- Context menu is shown at design time when a user makes a right click on an unselected Tab after setting a ContextMenuStrip to C1Ribbon.ContextMenuStrip.
- Partially fixed some issues in C1Ribbon in VSTO (Visual Studio Tools for Office).
- Any changes to RibbonContextualTabGroup's Font and ForeColor properties have no effect after applying a theme of C1ThemeController to a C1Ribbon control.
- Fixed an issue related to theming in RibbonListItem element.
- If C1RibbonForm is too small for displaying C1Ribbon control (the Ribbon is in hidden mode), then after maximizing and restoring the form its height decreases.
- Left and right borders of C1RibbonForm don't appear correctly if there is no C1Ribbon control on the form and the user maximizes and restores the form.
- An exception occurs after setting some colors in RibbonStyle or theme to Color.Transparent.
- Unhandled exception occurs on clicking the cross button after the ArrowDownGlyph property in the Theme Designer.
- Fixed a few problems in C1Ribbon theme format.
- Fixed an issue introduced in build 542: RibbonTrackBar's plus and minus buttons appear distorted after changing visual style from Custom to one of the Office styles.
- When C1Ribbon is used in UserControl and this is added as a CustomTaskPane in MS Outlook using VSTO (Visual Studio Tools for Office 2007), then the Click event of a RibbonButton does not get fired.
- Disabled images are not rendered correctly on C1Ribbon and C1StatusBar controls.
- Updated theming code for the latest version of C1ThemeDesigner,added new style settings.
- Fixed a minor issue in RibbonSplitButton, RibbonToggleButton elements displayed on C1StatusBar control.
- RibbonQat.Enabled property did not affect the QAT drop-down and shevron buttons.
- Glow borders are not displayed sometimes for C1RibbonForm if the VisualStyle is switched to Custom within the form constructor. The issue observed in C1ThemeDesigner.
- C1RibbonForm's frame gets displayed over the form passed to the AddOwnedForm() method when the VisualStyle is set to Custom.
- Selected color of RibbonColorPicker is not drawn on the corresponding QAT item when the color picker element is moved from QAT schevron ("More controls" drop-down)to the QAT directly.
- System menu icon disappears in C1Ribbon which is placed on an MDI child C1RibbonForm when another MDI child form is activated.
- Unhandled exception is occurred when setting a large number to the TextAreaWidth property of RibbonDatePicker.
- Added the AltKeyPressDelay property to C1Ribbon. It sets the delay (in milliseconds) after pressing the Alt key before displaying KeyTips. Setting AltKeyPressDelay to 0 prevents KeyTips from showing by timer when the user holds the Alt key pressed.
- Fixed an issue with scrolling RibbonComboBox and RibbonGallery drop-down list. When the user clicks in the PageUp or PageDown area of the scrollbar, it scrolled up to the start/end of the list regardless of the clicked position. Now it scrolls to the position where the scrollbar thumb overlaps the clicked point.
- Fixed an issue with theming support for several elements used in menu popups (they were not accessible for C1ThemeDesigner).
- Fixed an issue: Access modifier of C1Ribbon elements changes to private when any change is done in the Form at design time and the project references C1Ribbon Design dll.
- Selected Tab gets changed when RibbonNumericBox is scrolled using mouse wheel.
- The contents of a RibbonTab is not updated correctly on setting the SelectedTab in C1Ribbon under some conditions.
- Fixed an issue with one-pixel offset of a RibbonSplitButton displayed on C1StatusBar. Also, the split button element was not transparent when displayed on QAT or RibbonConfigToolBar. The problems occurred for the Custom visual style only.
- Fixed an issue: Button tooltips were not localized in the Tooltip Editor form (displayed as UITypeEditor for the ToolTip property of various Ribbon elements).
- Small internal changes to C1Ribbon and C1RibbonForm to support Composite UI Application Block (CAB).
- Fixed an issue introduced in build 525: When the ribbon is in minimized state and the user clicks the tab header and presses a button in the tab popup window, then after closing tab popup and moving the mouse over the same tab header again, the state of tab header is not changed to 'hot' and the user can't click it to display the tab popup once again.
- Fixed an issue: An exception occurs when a Form with C1Ribbon control is opened in the Form Designer on a machine where
- ComponentOne Studio for Winforms is not installed.
- Fixed an issue: The MouseLeave event is not fired for a RibbonButton after clicking it with the mouse and showing a new window from the Click event.
- Fixed an issue: Tooltips are distorted when the BackColor property of ToolTipSettings is set to Color.Transparent.
- Fixed an issue: Double clicking at the extreme of the top left corner of a non-modal C1RibbonForm with the C1Ribbon control on it hides C1Ribbon control so that it doesn't appear next time when this form becomes visible.
- Fixed an issue: An exception is thrown after setting ribbon's VisualStyle to Custom and hiding the RibbonQat.
- Fixed an issue: After setting HideTabHeaderRow to False, not only the tab header row but also the content of the selected tab is hidden.
- Fixed an issue: Window borders appear incorrectly sometimes after minimizing and, then, maximizing C1RibbonForm with the ShowInTaskbar property set to False and Custom visual style.
- Fixed an issue: Window state of MDI child forms changes from Minimized to Normal when the visual style of MDI parent form changes from or to the Custom style.
- Updated default values for the AutomaticColor and DefaultColor properties of RibbonColorPicker.
- Fixed an issue with cutting off borders of C1RibbonForm after switching from Custom visual style to Office2010Blue and other visual styles.
- Fixed an issue: after setting ShowInTaskbar to False for a C1RibbonForm its window buttons can not be clicked at runtime while the form is in minimized state and the visual style is set to Custom.
- Fixed an issue: C1RibbonForm has different size at runtime and at design-time if its FormBorderStyle is set to FixedSingle or FixedDialog and the main application project uses .NET 4.5 as the target framework.
- Fixed a small issue with menu auto-popup for RibbonSplitButton.
- Fixed an issue: RibbonTab's content area disappears when all RibbonGroups are hidden (for all styles except Custom). Now the content area height doesn't depend on whether any groups are visible or not.
- Fixed an issue: RibbonComboBox is not displayed correctly in drop-down menus.
- Fixed an issue: Ribbon's tab content area does not disappear when all tabs are hidden and the visual style is set to Custom.
- Fixed an issue: C1RibbonForm throws a Cross Thread exception while switching the Windows theme.
- Fixed an issue: Title bar of C1RibbonForm becomes invisible after minimizing C1RibbonForm with C1Ribbon control on it when this is an MDI child form and VisualStyle is set to Custom.
- Fixed an issue: Changing TextAlign property of RibbonComboBox, RibbonNumericBox, RibbonTextBox, and RibbonDate/TimePicker has no effect after switching C1RibbonForm to the Custom style.
- Fixed an issue: RightToLeft mode doesn't work correctly for C1RibbonForm when it is set at design time and VisualStyle is set to Custom.
- Fixed an issue: TextImageRelation property has no effect after setting C1RibbonForm.VisualStyle to Custom.
- Fixed an issue: "grip handle" image is not displayed in RibbonSplitButton and RibbonMenu drop-downs after setting GripHandleVisible property to True if the owner form's VisualStyle is set to Custom.
- Fixed a potential issue in C1RibbonForm that may cause an exception when the visible form is being disposed.
- Fixed an issue: Caption text for a window based on C1RibbonForm starts to flash everytime it changes with Windows Classic color theme, if another window overlapped it once.
- Fixed an issue: When value of 'ContentAreaHeight' is set to 0, ribbon content area is hidden. But ribbon content area is displayed when negative value is set for 'ContentAreaHeight'.
- Fixed an issue: When Aero theme is selected in Windows 7 and system's "Border Padding" is set to 0 then C1RibbonForm has black border along its boundary.
- C1Ribbon is now licensed as a part of Studio for Desktop.
- Many small changes to C1Ribbon theme format.
- Small changes related to theme support.
- A small update to C1Ribbon theme format.
Scheduler for WinForms 20141.287
Bug Fixes
- Fixed incorrect layout of overlapping appointments.
- Fixed issue with not showing minutes in the time ruler when ShowWorkTimeOnly is true and time format doesn't use AP/PM designators.
- Appointment is created by pressing the Enter key in the Export dialog.
- End time is shown as twice in appointment at MonthView when Form is Maximized.
- Updated Korean and Chinese error message.
- Start time(hour) and End time(hour) of Appointment is not shown immediately in all day area.
- [C1Schedule]Unlike MS-Outlook, ‘Subject’ of Appointment is not shown on next day in Week View and Work Week View.
- internal changes related to the theme support.
- fixed issue with custom date fomrst in the C1Schedule's title.
- fixed issue with closing opened appointment dialogs when removing appointment.
- fixed issue with NullReference exception at importing data with changed reminder value from the same source.
- show correct AM/PM designators when ShowWorkTimeOnly is true and the default time for the designator is invisible.
- [C1Theme] Unhandled exception has occurred if "Symbol Next" is set over range of utf32 in c1ThemesDesinger.
- [C1Schedule] '11:30 PM to 12:00' time slot is not fully showed when ShowAllDayArea is false.
- fixed validation of GroupBy property.
- [C1Schedule] 'BeforeAppointmentDrop' event is fired although appointment is not moved using arrow key.
- 'New appointment' button is not updated instantly after new appointment is created. Fixed.
- C1Schedule.BeforeAppointmentDrop event is fired for cases when end-user moves appointment with keyboard arrow keys. Fixed.
- Fixed issue with BeforeAppointmentSave event.
- Fixed C1Calendar navigation to the last month.
- Fixed issue with adding extra recurrence appointments if recurrence pattern is added to existing appointment in TimeLineView.
- Don't fire BeforeAppointmentShow event for already opened form.
- Fixed Shift key behavior in TimeLine view.
- Added CLSCompliant attribute.
- Added support for cases when working time should last from one day to another. If CalendarInfo.EndDayTime property value less than CalendarInfo.StartDayTime property value, working time will be represented as 2 time intervals - from day start to CalendarInfo.EndDayTime and from CalendarInfo.StartDayTime to day end. The C1Schedule control honors this setting when ShowWorkTimeOnly property is true. Note, when ShowWorkTimeOnly is true, the C1Schedule always shows the full hour. So some free time might be included into the view.
- The next C1Schedule samples have been updated with the new BeforeAppointmentCreate functionality: MultiUserCustomForms (VB, CS), CustomForms (VB), and CustomData (CS)
- CancelAppointmentEventArgs class inherited from the System.ComponentModel.CancelEventArgs instead of EventArgs.
- C1Schedule.BeforeAppointmentCreate event type changed from CancelEventArgs to the CancelAppointmentEventArgs.When this event is fired, the new Appointment object is already initialized according to the current C1Schedule selection and settings. That includes appointment times, AllDay property, reminder settings and appointment group (Category, Resource, Contact or Owner depending on the current GroupBy setting). All appointment properties are accessible in the BeforeAppointmentCreate event handler and can be changed from custom code.
Breaking Changes
- C1Schedule.BeforeAppointmentCreate event type changed from CancelEventArgs to the CancelAppointmentEventArgs.
- It would require updating existing code, which uses this event (replace CancelEventArgs to CancelAppointmentEventArgs).
- Improved mouse right-click behavior in the C1Schedule control. If end-user performs right-click over already selected time interval, selection is not altered. So, "New appointment" and "New recurring appointment" context menu actions work with the selected interval.
SpellChecker for WinForms 20141.139
- Added "Studio for Desktop" product information
Bug Fixes
- [WebBrowser, C1Editor] Application freeze when user clicked CheckControl method called.
- Misc internal changes in COM-interface declaratons. This is related to IE11 support.
- [WebBrowser, C1Editor] SpellChecker does not have spelling for html elements with "c1-nospellcheck" class.
SplitContainer for WinForms 20141.54
- C1SplitContainer is now licensed as part of Studio for Desktop.
- Updated theming code for the latest version of C1ThemeDesigner.
- Added theming support.
Bug Fixes
- When a C1SplitterPanel is in disabled state the HeaderClick and HeaderDoubleClick events are still fired.
- In C1SplitContainer, whenever the user changes the value of "Theme on c1ThemeController1" property, the UpdateNestedContaners property is reset to False.
- Tooltips become distorted when C1SplitContainer\Tooltip\Background\BackColor property is set to Color.Transparent in C1ThemeDesigner.
SuperTooltip for WinForms 20141.137
- Internal C1Themes-related changes.
- Added "Studio for Desktop" product information.
Bug Fixes
- Honor style.cursor in tooltips when HitTestVisible is set to true.
Themes for WinForms 20141.35
New Features
- Added C1Themes support to C1Chart, C1InputPanel, C1TileControl.
- Several new themes added, existing themes improved.
- Background theme items can now reference solid colors, and vice versa.
- New public class C1.Win.C1Themes.C1ThemeLocator: encapsulates a theme location(built-in or a disk file), can be saved to/loaded from a single string. This class can be used to persist the location/name of a theme used to theme anapplication, in the app's settings file.
- Several new themes added (VS2013_Blue, VS2013_Light, VS2013_Dark, BeigeOne, Violette).
- Added C1Themes support to C1ReportDesigner.
TileControl for WinForms 20141.89
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a regression issue introduced in build 88: An exception is occurred on 64 bit platform when tapping a tile at runtime.
- The UncheckTilesOnClick property (added in build 85) is not persisted in XML.
- Fixed a few issues with pen input device.
- Fixed an issue: An exception occurs after setting C1TileControl\Common\BackColor property to Color.Transparent in C1Theme Designer
- Fixed an issue: Various internal errors occurred after moving selection between C1Gauge and C1TileControl on the designer surface and also after pressing the Delete key.
- Added a new boolean property to C1TileControl: public bool UncheckTilesOnClick { get; set; }. The property indicates whether all tiles have to be unchecked after clicking a tile.
- Improved the easing function used when animating slides.
- C1TileControl is now licensed as a part of Studio for Desktop.
- Updated theming code for the latest version of C1ThemeDesigner.
- Added theming support.
TouchToolKit for WinForms version 20141.14
No changes.
True DBGrid for WinForms version 20141.61347
Bug Fixes
- BeforeColUpdate event is fired if the focus is on a cell of Enabled CheckBox Column and a cell of Disabled CheckBox Column is clicked CheckBox.
- Application is hang and data are not shown properly when changing of different data by using SetDataBinding() with keepPosition=True.
- ArgumentOutOfRange exception occurrs in changing of DataSource in grouped C1TureDBGrid by using SetDataBinding() with keepPosition =True
- Filter can be set to the same column while FilterDropdown of previous filter keeps opening due to invalid value
- SetDataBinding() does not clear Filter icon in ColumnHeader or FilterText in FilterBar
- ColumnHeader's caption is clipped if it has two words with space & column is resized using double clicking divider.
- “AutoDropDown” is not display properly when the same cell is in focus and edited twice without changing the focus to another cell.
- 'Ellipsis' is shown in a cell when a 'ForegroundImage' property is set for the cell and the text length is less than 4 in C1TrueDBGrid.
- The blank area gets enlarged when splitter line is moved if SplitDividerSize property is set to a value other than the existing value.
- Obfuscation issue: Adding C1TrueDbGrid on the form at design time gives Exception.
- Misc issues using some custom editors in IME mode.
- If the cursor is placed by double clicking the cell, no digit can not be entered in cell with Mask set.
- Edit Mode of C1TrueDBGrid does not show Focus cursor and Text Selection at that cell.
- New parameter keepPosition for SetDataBinding method. Set it to true if you want to keep expanded goups in GroupBy mode.
- Misc Theme-related changes.
- New property and a method of C1TrueDbGrid: public object CurrentDataBoundItem { get; } and public object GetDataBoundItem(int viewrow)
Zip for WinForms 2014.106
Bug Fixes
- Length parameter in Progress event was always set to int.MaxValue. Fixed.